Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"I have become more knowledgable about the World"

Dirty Water

There are many complex issues facing the world today. Just a few of which are starvation, drug smuggling, and lack of clean, fresh water. A great deal of the Earth's population is suffering from lack of food. This can often cause permanent damage to someones body and opens them up for diseases. We all just can't throw bags of rice at them, how do we know the food will get to were it is needed?

Small Step for Man

The twentieth century has been a century of war. From the tangle of alliances in Europe that led to the outbreak of world war I to the the destruction of Communism that came with the fall of the Soviet Union. World War II was stated with the invasion of Poland. After the invasion, Poland's allies France and Britain came to help. The war eventually escalated so that it was being fought all around the world. But besides wars, we have also made many technological advances, like nuclear ower, flight, and going to the moon.


We all are unique, but yet we are all extremely similar. Race is an illusion. We are all the same on the inside and we are all related. They re may seem to racial differences between us, but these are more likely to be cultural heritages that have been passed on. So thought of race is just a joke, but people will always seem to believe it.

Bearing Sea Coast
The world is an interesting place to live, some places receive a great deal of water, other seem to be getting very few and are forced to cling to every drop. But natural land barrier like mountains and oceans have caused civilizations to evolve in different ways. People of the early times had to migrate over the land bridge between Asia and North America, and when the sea level rose they were trapped in the Americas. Having been separated from Eurasia, the peoples of the Americas had live and adapt in what that would suit them in they re environment. This way was different from the ways people elsewhere had to live. This created many diverse cultures across the planet.

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