Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"NATO is the topic I have decided to investigate."

NATO Countries

NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. It contains he United States and 14 other European countries. It was established in 1949 for the prevention of the
Soviet Union to attack non communist western countries. The Communist countries were lead by the Soviet Union and the Non communist western countries were lead by the United States. This conflict became the Cold War.

5.56 NATO Round

NATO nation's militarises use similar rounds in their rifles. This can be very advantages during wartime. Armies of different countries can trade rounds when they are running low. And it is easier to support a fellow nation when you can produce rounds you already make at home, for them. A 5.56 round made in Italy will work in a Canadian rifle.

Mediterranean Sea

Article 5 of the NATO treaty was first put into effect on September 11, 2001. The article says that any attack on of the NATO nations is an attack on all NATO nations. on October 4, 2001, NATO agreed that the terrorist attacks did in fact fall under the terms of Article 5 of the treaty. And an operation to hault the movement of terrorist over the Mediterranean Sea was initiated that same day.

Missile Launch

The United States mad an agreement with Poland and the Czech Republic to create a missile defence shield to cover most of Europe. The shield will consist of missiles i Poland being linked with Defence Radar in the Czech Republic. This defense shield will cover most of Europe except parts Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy.

NATO Council

NATO has representatives from 28 separate member states that meet weekly as the
NATO Council. Each state has a permanent representative who attends these meetings. For more complex issues, heads of governments can come in a for session, although they are not needed to make decisions. The council has the same power and authority without the heads of government in attendance as it does when it is just its 28 representatives.

1 comment:

  1. It's clear that you did reseach your topic but there are no hyperlinks to your sources (other than images) as required on this "grand finale" of posts. Info was solid.
