Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"NATO is the topic I have decided to investigate."

NATO Countries

NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. It contains he United States and 14 other European countries. It was established in 1949 for the prevention of the
Soviet Union to attack non communist western countries. The Communist countries were lead by the Soviet Union and the Non communist western countries were lead by the United States. This conflict became the Cold War.

5.56 NATO Round

NATO nation's militarises use similar rounds in their rifles. This can be very advantages during wartime. Armies of different countries can trade rounds when they are running low. And it is easier to support a fellow nation when you can produce rounds you already make at home, for them. A 5.56 round made in Italy will work in a Canadian rifle.

Mediterranean Sea

Article 5 of the NATO treaty was first put into effect on September 11, 2001. The article says that any attack on of the NATO nations is an attack on all NATO nations. on October 4, 2001, NATO agreed that the terrorist attacks did in fact fall under the terms of Article 5 of the treaty. And an operation to hault the movement of terrorist over the Mediterranean Sea was initiated that same day.

Missile Launch

The United States mad an agreement with Poland and the Czech Republic to create a missile defence shield to cover most of Europe. The shield will consist of missiles i Poland being linked with Defence Radar in the Czech Republic. This defense shield will cover most of Europe except parts Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy.

NATO Council

NATO has representatives from 28 separate member states that meet weekly as the
NATO Council. Each state has a permanent representative who attends these meetings. For more complex issues, heads of governments can come in a for session, although they are not needed to make decisions. The council has the same power and authority without the heads of government in attendance as it does when it is just its 28 representatives.

"I've learned leaders in many nations of the world face complex problems that they feel cannot be solved without international action or cooperation."

Wind Turbine

Bering Sea

Enviromental pllution is something affects nearly every country and region in the world today. It takes more then just the effort of one nation to make a difference though. It will ake the greater cooperation of many nations. They have to cooperate with one another to come up with greater ecomnomic solutions to the world energy problem. Countries with many high energy sources need to help the countries with less power sources. Not only oil for the short term, but alternate enery resources like solar, hydro, wind, and tidal power.

"I understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed through analysis of primary sources of many kinds."

A primary source is defined as something that was created by someone who attended a certain event first hand. They need to be produced recently after the event took place for them to actually be credible sources. But you have to watch out for people who try to fake credible sources. These can make your research totally useless.

Political Cartoon about Britain

This cartoon is depicting how some people believed how Britain was taking to much on when it was trying to capture Africa. Europeans had much trouble with trying to conquer Africa because of such things as disease. But during the New Imperialism new technologies like the Maxim Gun helped Britain dominate Africa. This website is a site used for references for teachers and student has many some awards.

British Sailors Landing in South Africa

This painting depicts the British landing in South Africa. South Africa was a major area of colonisation during the New Imperialism because the climate of that area was very similar to that of Europe. This website is a credible site because it contains other quality information and they gave the name of the artist and other information about the painting.

Mistreated Africans

Africans were not treated well during the new imperialism. They were often forced of their lands or killed. They were also forced into slavery and other terrible things without their consent. The site this came from is credible because at the end of the article they contained a copyright date and contact information.

Guy Next to Egyptian Artifact

Many artifacts were taken from places like Egypt by the British and to this day, they refuse to return to them. This is one of the more complicated things about the New Imperialism and it shows that we still live in the Post New Imperialism world. I believe this photo was taken at a museum containing Egyptian artifacts because it says "Ancient Egyptian History" on the wall behind him and other artifacts are visible.

"I have become more knowledgable about the World"

Dirty Water

There are many complex issues facing the world today. Just a few of which are starvation, drug smuggling, and lack of clean, fresh water. A great deal of the Earth's population is suffering from lack of food. This can often cause permanent damage to someones body and opens them up for diseases. We all just can't throw bags of rice at them, how do we know the food will get to were it is needed?

Small Step for Man

The twentieth century has been a century of war. From the tangle of alliances in Europe that led to the outbreak of world war I to the the destruction of Communism that came with the fall of the Soviet Union. World War II was stated with the invasion of Poland. After the invasion, Poland's allies France and Britain came to help. The war eventually escalated so that it was being fought all around the world. But besides wars, we have also made many technological advances, like nuclear ower, flight, and going to the moon.


We all are unique, but yet we are all extremely similar. Race is an illusion. We are all the same on the inside and we are all related. They re may seem to racial differences between us, but these are more likely to be cultural heritages that have been passed on. So thought of race is just a joke, but people will always seem to believe it.

Bearing Sea Coast
The world is an interesting place to live, some places receive a great deal of water, other seem to be getting very few and are forced to cling to every drop. But natural land barrier like mountains and oceans have caused civilizations to evolve in different ways. People of the early times had to migrate over the land bridge between Asia and North America, and when the sea level rose they were trapped in the Americas. Having been separated from Eurasia, the peoples of the Americas had live and adapt in what that would suit them in they re environment. This way was different from the ways people elsewhere had to live. This created many diverse cultures across the planet.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

LRA Hunters

It it is very sad that those kids are being abducted by the LRA and being forced fight for them. But I highly support the former LRA rebels hunting them, because they would know what to do and what to look for. I believe i would really enjoy being in one of the squads,it really seems like something I would enjoy. But I would not want to us an AK-47, I would want have the Israeli TAR 21 for my main rifle and a Kriss .45 as my secondary sub machine gun. I would prefer the TAR 21 because it shots the smaller, lighter 5.56 NATO round instead of the heavier 7.62 NATO round the AK shots. The lighter ammunition means I could carry more rounds for the same weight. I would not need the heavy punching power of 7.62 beacuase in jungle combat there are usually only soft cover. And the TAR 21 is an overall shorter rifle then the AK-47 and it is more accurate as well. But anyways, I'm glad the formal rebels are getting the chance to change there ways and fight for there country.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Egypt Issues

Even though my home country, Egypt, is a culturally rich nation, we have some pressing environmental issues. Even though have made a few small steps towards cleaning up the environment, there is still alot of room for improvement. We need to continue to stop doing things like polluting our land and river with trash and waste. And also stop illegal things like the farmers who illegally burn of the rest of their rice crops in fall and pollute the air with thick black smoke. We are moving toward a cleaner Egypt, but there is still plenty of work to do.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Japan project

I was hoping to do research about the modern Military of Japan. Comparing them to the United States Military, looking specifically at equipment and tactics and training. If that is ok with you...